Health and Wellbeing Boards are required to develop Joint Strategic Needs Assessments and Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies, to support prevention, identification, assessment and early intervention and a joined-up approach.
The SEND Code of Practice 2015 says:
Local authorities, CCGs and other partners must work together in local Health and Wellbeing Boards to assess the health needs of local people, including those with SEN or who are disabled. (1.19)
CCGs, NHS Trusts and NHS Foundation Trusts must inform the appropriate local authority if they identify a child under compulsory school age as having, or probably having, SEN or a disability (Section 23 of the Children and Families Act 2014). (1.16)
CCG's (Clinical Commissioning Groups) are responsible for the planning and commissioning of health care services for their local area.
As local authorities are responsible for public health, the Suffolk CCGs work closely with them through their Health and Wellbeing board. They work together to achieve the best possible outcomes for the local community by developing a joint needs assessment and strategy for improving public health
Slough is served by Berkshire Clinical Commissioning Group.
The Slough Local Offer is where to go for information about health services and provision for children and young people with SEN or disabilities including:
- services to support children and young people with medical conditions in education.
- speech and language, occupational therapy and physiotherapy, and services relating to mental health
- wheelchair services and community equipment, children’s community nursing, continence services
- palliative, respite and continuing care for children with complex health needs
- support for young people when moving between children to adult healthcare services